Archive for March, 2011

Big Moon, Babies and a Rejection of DST

Did you see the size of that moon? So I called my brother on the telephone expecting to chat; his wife was expecting their third child soon and I wanted to catch up a bit. Rich tells me that he’s on the way home after looking for an accessory for the baby’s bassinet since he’s […]

Onions, Worms and Wheels

How about that weather? Meanwhile in the shop’s basement, the small garden has been working a bit… I wanted to show some friends my onions which were ready for harvest.  I wasn’t sure if these were garlic or onions since they sprouted from my compost, but after digging them up all things were revealed. Not […]

Wednesday Shamisen and Chiditarod Alert!

Theme music for the week. A favorite jamin’ shamisen piece with taiko back up.   Listen. Close your eyes. You’re standing at the intersection of Hubbard and Wolcott this Saturday. It’s high noon and 150 tribes have assembled, each represented by five people and one shopping cart. Costumes, embellishments and high spirits abound. At once sound erupts, […]

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